2018 Newsletter

Thanks to you, 2017 was another great year for both Chris and me! Chris sold more real estate than he had in any previous year, and I almost did the same. Together we sold almost $19,000,000 worth of real estate! What was so rewarding this year is that EVERY transaction in which we were involved came as a result of either a past client returning to us for their real estate needs; a referral from a past client; or from our networks of family, friends, neighbors or business associates.

The confidence you have shown in us is humbling, and makes us strive to continue to get even better! Combined, Chris and I have over 54 years of real estate experience, but we still try to get better at serving our clients’ needs year after year.

We sincerely hope to continue this trend of referred business, so we would REALLY appreciate it if you would consider us when you know of someone who is thinking about the purchase or sale of a home. We are thorough, experienced professionals that take the time to get it right when assisting someone with one of the largest investments they will ever make.

In part, that is because we don’t have to spend the time and money marketing ourselves; you are doing that for us! That’s right­no bus benches or roadside billboards for us. THANK YOU! We are able to spend the time and money we save on self-promotion doing the things that you actually hire us to do: successfully marketing and selling your current home or providing timely advice and counsel on the wise purchase of a new home.

Are you thinking of selling your home and “up-sizing” or “downsizing”? Call us! Is someone you know thinking of buying or selling? Call us! Are your children considering the purchase of a first home? Don’t let them go out into the market without advice that they (and you!) can trust. Call us! Are you, or is someone you know, considering the purchase of new construction? We deal with new construction fairly regularly. And most builders actually encourage buyers to use their own agent. Call us!


We often hear about unpleasant issues that arise in the purchase or sale of a home after the fact, when someone has attempted to “do it on their own”. Folks often feel that, with all the information they have gotten from a variety of sources (HGTV, the internet, Zillow, podcasts, books about buying an d selling real estate, advice from friends that are “experienced” in the purchas e or sale of real estate, etc.), they can do it without an experienced professional on their side. When they run int o problems, they often call us to ask for the advice they could have gotten BEFORE the problems arose. It is generally too late at that point so call us first!


Want to see the rest of the 2018 Newsletter? Click here!
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